Convergence of sparse collocation for functions of countably many Gaussian random variables (with application to elliptic PDEs)
Title | Convergence of sparse collocation for functions of countably many Gaussian random variables (with application to elliptic PDEs) |
Publication Type | Report Series |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Authors | Ernst O., Sprungk B., Tamellini L. |
Series | IMATI Report Series |
Number | 17-10 |
Pagination | 30 p. |
Date Published | April |
Place Published | Pavia |
Publisher | CNR-IMATI |
Type of Work | Preprint |
Abstract | We give a convergence proof for the approximation by sparse collocation of Hilbert-space-valued functions depending on countably many Gaussian random variables. Such functions appear as solutions of elliptic PDEs with lognormal diffusion coefficients. We outline a general L2-convergence theory based on previous work by Bachmayr et al. (2016) and Chen (2016) and establish an algebraic convergence rate for sufficiently smooth functions assuming a mild growth bound for the univariate hierarchical surpluses of the interpolation scheme applied to Hermite polynomials. We verify specifically for Gauss-Hermite nodes that this assumption holds and also show algebraic convergence w.r.t. the resulting number of sparse grid points for this case. Numerical experiments illustrate the dimension-independent convergence rate. |
Keywords | Best-N -term approximation, Lognormal diffusion coefficient, Parameteric PDEs, Random PDEs, Sparse grids, Stochastic collocation |
URI | |
Citation Key | irs17-10 |