Convergence of sparse collocation for functions of countably many Gaussian random variables (with application to elliptic PDEs)

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TitleConvergence of sparse collocation for functions of countably many Gaussian random variables (with application to elliptic PDEs)
Publication TypeReport Series
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsErnst O., Sprungk B., Tamellini L.
SeriesIMATI Report Series
Pagination30 p.
Date PublishedApril
Place PublishedPavia
Type of WorkPreprint

We give a convergence proof for the approximation by sparse collocation of Hilbert-space-valued functions depending on countably many Gaussian random variables. Such functions appear as solutions of elliptic PDEs with lognormal diffusion coefficients. We outline a general L2-convergence theory based on previous work by Bachmayr et al. (2016) and Chen (2016) and establish an algebraic convergence rate for sufficiently smooth functions assuming a mild growth bound for the univariate hierarchical surpluses of the interpolation scheme applied to Hermite polynomials. We verify specifically for Gauss-Hermite nodes that this assumption holds and also show algebraic convergence w.r.t. the resulting number of sparse grid points for this case. Numerical experiments illustrate the dimension-independent convergence rate.

KeywordsBest-N -term approximation, Lognormal diffusion coefficient, Parameteric PDEs, Random PDEs, Sparse grids, Stochastic collocation
Citation Keyirs17-10