Adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: error estimator and convergence
Title | Adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: error estimator and convergence |
Publication Type | Report Series |
Year of Publication | 2015 |
Authors | Buffa A., Giannelli C. |
Series | IMATI Report Series |
Number | 15-01 |
Pagination | 30 p. |
Date Published | January |
Place Published | Pavia |
Publisher | CNR-IMATI |
Type of Work | Working paper |
Abstract | The problem of developing an adaptive isogeometric method (AIGM) for solving elliptic second-order partial differential equations with truncated hierarchical B-splines of arbitrary degree and different order of continuity is addressed. The adaptivity analysis holds in any space dimensions. We consider a simple residual-type error estimator for which we provide a posteriori upper and lower bound in terms of local error indicators, taking also into account the critical role of oscillations as in a standard adaptive finite element setting. The error estimates are properly combined with a simple marking strategy to define a sequence of admissible locally rened meshes and corresponding approximate solutions. The design of a refine module that preserves the admissibility of the hierarchical mesh configuration between two consectutive steps of the adaptive loop is presented. The contraction property of the quasi-error, given by the sum of the energy error and the scaled error estimator, leads to the convergence proof of the AIGM. |
Keywords | Conservation laws, initial boundary-value problems, numerical schemes |
URI | |
Citation Key | irs15-01 |