Title | Augmented Reality in manufacturing engineering |
Publication Type | Report Series |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Bonino B., Giannini F., Monti M. |
Series | IMATI Report Series |
Number | 19-03 |
Pagination | 26 |
Date Published | 06/2019 |
Place Published | Genova |
Publisher | CNR-IMATI |
Type of Work | Technical Report |
Abstract | The report provides an overview of the existing research works addressing the interaction with 3D models using Augmented Reality technologies. It also illustrates the results of our experiments both simply using HoloLens, Unity 3D and integrating Leap Motion. In the first case, only the built in tap gesture and voice commands have been used for the interaction with the digital elements. Whereas with Leap Motion additional gestures have been considered to easy the 3D digital object manipulation. The carried out experiments reveal the actual limitations of AR technologies for the effective use in real applications merging 3D virtual objects in real environments when digital elements have to be inspected and manipulated. |
Keywords | 3D object manipulation, Augmented reality |
Citation Key | irs19-03 |