Title | Architecture of a client-server platform for IMATI cultural heritage applications |
Publication Type | Report Series |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Repetto A., Catalano C., Spagnuolo M. |
Series | IMATI Report Series |
Number | 19-05 |
Pagination | 48 |
Date Published | 07/2019 |
Place Published | Genova |
Publisher | CNR-IMATI |
Type of Work | Technical Report |
Abstract | The final technological outcome of the GRAVITATE EU project is a software platform for the analysis and restoration of cultural heritage artefacts. The GRAVITATE platform is a client-server platform, composed of a back-end infrastructure, of a web interface and a desktop interface. The role of the web interface is to offer browsing and semantic and geometric similarity capabilities, while the desktop client is designed for graphical interaction and manipulation of high-resolution models. Both clients connect to a back-end infrastructure that offers access to 3D models and their geometric properties using a RESTful API. After the end of the project, a work of redesign of the original platform has been carried out, to exploit IMATI applications developed in the project, make them independent of the GRAVITATE servers and services, and putting the basis for future research in the CH domain. This technical report describes the internal organization of the client-server platform that was developed by reusing the parts already developed, and reimplementing the back-end and web interface. The back-end and the web interface were implemented in Python, using the Django framework, while the desktop interface was developed in C++, with the Qt library for the user interface. This technical report describes also the code organization and guides the developer in the task of performing changes and extensions to the platform. |
Keywords | 3D semantic annotation, Client-server platform, Cultural heritage, Geometric similarity |
Citation Key | irs19-05 |