Optimal strategies for a time-dependent harvesting problem

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TitleOptimal strategies for a time-dependent harvesting problem
Publication TypeReport Series
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsCoclite G., Garavello M., Spinolo LV
SeriesIMATI Report Series
Pagination44 p.
Date PublishedFebruary
Place PublishedPavia
Type of WorkWorking paper

We focus on an optimal control problem, introduced by Bressan and Shen in [5] as a model for fish harvesting. We consider the time-dependent case and we establish existence and uniqueness of an optimal strategy, and sufficient conditions for optimality. We also consider a related differential game that models the situation where there are several competin fish companies and we prove existence of Nash equilibria. From the technical viewpoint, the most relevant point is establishing the uniqueness result. This amounts to prove precise a-priori estimates for solutions of suitable parabolic equations with measure-valued coefficients. All the analysis is developed in the case when the fishing domain is one-dimensional.

Keywordsdifferential games, fish harvest, measured-valued solutions, Optimal control
Citation Keyirs16-01