Title | A study of the state of the art of process planning for additive manufacturing |
Publication Type | Report Series |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Livesu M., Attene M., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B. |
Series | IMATI Report Series |
Number | 16-04 |
Pagination | 16 p. |
Date Published | May |
Place Published | Genova |
Publisher | CNR-IMATI |
Type of Work | Technical Report |
Abstract | In the manufacturing industry the term Process Planning (PP) is concerned with determining the sequence of individual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product with a certain machine. In this technical report we propose a preliminary analysis of scientic literature on the topic of process planning for Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies (i.e. 3D printing). We observe that the process planning for additive manufacturing processes consists of a small set of standard operations (repairing, orientation, supports, slicing and toolpath generation). We analyze each of them in order to emphasize the most critical aspects of the current pipeline as well as highlight the future challenges for this emerging manufacturing technology. |
Keywords | 3D printing, Additive manufacturing, Process planning |
URI | http://irs.imati.cnr.it/reports/irs16-04 |
Citation Key | irs16-04 |