On quasi-interpolation operators in spline spaces

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TitleOn quasi-interpolation operators in spline spaces
Publication TypeReport Series
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBuffa A., Garau E., Sangalli G.
SeriesIMATI Report Series
Pagination16 p.
Date PublishedDecember
Place PublishedPavia
Type of WorkWorking paper

We propose the construction of a class of L2 stable quasi-interpolation operators onto the space of splines on tensor-product meshes, in any space dimension. The estimate we propose is robust with respect to knot repetition and to knot "vicinity" (up to p+1 knots), so it applies to the most general scenario in which the B-spline functions are known to be well defined.

KeywordsB-splines, Isogeometric analysis, Quasi-interpolation
Citation Keyirs15-03