Applying functional principal components to structural topology optimization

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TitleApplying functional principal components to structural topology optimization
Publication TypeReport Series
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAlaimo G, Auricchio F, Bianchini I., Lanzarone E.
SeriesIMATI Report Series
Pagination26 p.
Date PublishedApril
Place PublishedMilano
Type of WorkWorking paper

Structural Topology Optimization optimizes the mechanical performance of a structure while satisfying some functional constraints. Nearly all approaches proposed in the literature are iterative, and the optimal solution is found by repeatedly solving a Finite Elements Analysis (FEA). It is thus clear that the bottleneck is the high computational effort, as these approaches require solving the FEA a large number of times. In this work, we address the need for reducing the computational time by proposing a reduced basis method that relies on the Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA). The methodology has been validated considering a Simulated Annealing approach for the compliance minimization in a variable thickness cantilever sheet. Results show the capability of FPCA to provide good results while reducing the computational times, i.e., the computational time for a FEA analysis is about one order of magnitude lower in the reduced FPCA space.

KeywordsFinite Element Analysis, Functional Principal Components Analysis, Structural Topology Optimization
Citation Keyirs17-09